My friend once asked me, 'so what do you think, is crying a sign of weakness or strength? It got me thinking, sadness, pain, misery, loss or happiness there are many emotion that can bring tears to our eyes. People and situations have a big role in the development of these emotions. Everyone does it, then why are we so afraid that we have to hide it?
Crying is a sign of true emotion. It is not about being week or strong, those are just words coined by all the hypocrisy which engulfs our society. A kid cries on getting hurt, which is genuine physical pain felt by him or her, we cry because of the stress at work or school because it breaks us down while taking a mental toll or the loss of a loved one when the tears don't stop for days signifying the emotional state we are in. All these are true emotions felt by us human beings some greater than the other. These are the occasions when every thought in our brain is over run by the gush of emotion. For many of us the built up excitement has only one way to get out and that is by crying.
If you think crying is for the weak, consider this; babies cry all the time. They want to eat, poop, burp they cry. One can argue that they cry because they cannot talk and crying is the only way they can express their needs and get our attention. Now think of an adult who has gone through a situation of really high emotions. They cannot express how they feel inside in a language we speak. Each individual suffering is different, but we all have the expression of crying in common! Since we were babies the lack of words has been replaced by crying.
Maybe in some part of our sub conscious crying connects us maybe only for a few seconds it takes us back to the stage when we were babies, helpless but yet so uncomplicated. Stress and pressure were concept unknown. The only major problem we had was 'gas!'
Crying can many a times be associated with something unhappy. We fail to consider 'happy tears.' Why do we cry when we are happy? Many times people cry when they have achieved something really important to them. A promotion, having a baby or just someone saying I love you; these emotions are as big as loss and pain. Maybe the same rule applies here; the happiness inside you fills you up to the brim and still keeps rising. With no place to go it rolls out in the form of tears. Again it is a time when we do not have words to express the way we feel. Crying and tears are a common expression of deep emotion which come to the surface just like they did when you were a baby and life was a happy and simple story.
Dont worry about being called a sissy, cry if you have to. Do it bathroom at your office or the comfort of your house, but remember if you happen to cry in front of people don't ever worry about what they think.
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